Communication : n.f.

Transmettre à quelqu'un un savoir, un don,
faire qu'il ait ce savoir, ce don, cette qualité.

‘‘La responsabilité de celui qui sait est moins de partager le savoir que de partager les réflexions auxquelles l’a conduit ce savoir’’

Sigmund Freud

Le partage devient presque avec l’âge une jouissance mais encore faut-il trouver une écoute.

Communiquer ses idées n’a rien d’angoissant. La sagesse pousse à les partager plutôt qu’à les garder pour soi.

Beaucoup d’amis architectes ont peur de se faire voler leurs projets alors qu’il s’agit avant tout de convictions et de partages.

Nous ne sommes en quelque sorte propriétaires que de nous-mêmes.

Déposer un brevet est juste un acte de reconnaissance pour son équipe… en aucun cas une protection de l’oeuvre car elle est transmissible et copiable.

Utiliser le Dessin comme un outil de partage

Proposer des passerelles entre tous nos mondes

Chercher des mécènes, ouvrir les clôtures

Travailler toujours en équipe

Inventer des projets vertueux non climatisés

Transmettre ses expériences avec passion

Apprendre des grands humanistes

Parcourir les écoles pour transmettre et aussi apprendre encore

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Designed with love by egue