Transmission : n.f.

Communiquer, partager quelque chose
à quelqu'un après l'avoir reçu.

‘‘La joie de vivre est la chose la plus facile à transmettre et à communiquer’’

Daniel Desbiens

Il s’agit d’essayer de transmettre le meilleur de ce qui m’a été appris hier... à ceux qui viendront vivre demain.

La transmission est à mes yeux l’outil d'un plaisir, celui de proposer des alternatives heureuses.

Créer de toutes pièces, avec la participation d’Estelle Morlé et d’Emmanuel Ritz, le Master « A la recherche d’une Architecture Vertueuse » est une façon de transmettre aux futurs architectes le nouveau modèle d’un savoir-faire vertueux et opérationnel.

Agglomérer des partenaires privés, des amis d’aventures, ingénieurs, sociologues, paysagistes pointus, inventer de nouveaux produits puis bâtir des prototypes échelle 1 aux Grands Ateliers de l’Isle d’Abeau.

Le tout saupoudré d’expérimentations collectives de façon à apprendre aux étudiants le bon sens et le respect des autres, de leurs différences.

Utiliser le Dessin comme un outil de partage

Transmettre la connaissance à travers des Associations

Concevoir des façades évolutives avec le temps

Lier intimement le bâti et l'espace public

Aider et participer y compris au Niger

Créer une Association pédagogique et sociétale

Peindre, sculpter et créer de ses petites mains

Ouvrir l'école aux plus démunis et progresser

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Designed with love by egue