Conseil : n.m.

Avis, indication donnés à quelqu'un par quelqu'un d'autre
pour le diriger dans sa conduite,
dans ses actes.

‘‘Un conseil est toujours une confession’’

André Maurois

On ne devrait sans doute pas donner de conseils sans les avoir pratiqués.

Mais l’humilité est de circonstance et on devrait toujours accepter d’en recevoir.

Pas évident du tout du fait de l’orgueil qu’on traîne comme un boulet.

Il s’agit ensuite de faire confiance à la nature humaine.

Mon conseil sera de chercher la perfection, ce qui ne fait pas vraiment preuve d’humilité.

La plus grande richesse est celle d’arriver à un détail à la fois parfait et économique, facile à mettre en oeuvre.

La beauté est alors dans cet équilibre car il est beaucoup trop facile de mettre au point un détail coûteux.

Concevoir à partir du Soleil et du Vent

Imaginer des quartiers piétonniers de nouvelle génération

Créer des parcours sensoriels

Partager toutes les appropriations des projets

Assister les entreprises et les aider à progresser

Inventer de nouveaux mondes ouverts à tous les publics

Ecouter, partager et transmettre

Oser et impulser de la passion et du savoir-faire

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Designed with love by egue