Innovation : n.f.

Introduire quelque chose de nouveau
pour remplacer quelque chose d'ancien
dans un domaine quelconque.

‘‘En période de morosité, on peut et on doit investir. Pour innover et perfectionner’’

Peter Drucker

Pour innover, pour inventer, il faut commencer par se documenter puis accepter, dans un premier temps, de copier.

Il faut aussi des contraintes qui permettent en quelque sorte de se nourrir.

Ensuite on peut s’émanciper et sortir des cases, des préjugés, établir de nouveaux objectifs et inventer l’invention.

Dans tous les cas, il s’agit de travailler avec un cerveau qui ne dort jamais car il cherche surtout la nuit.

Evidemment, assez souvent on se trompe et il y a alors des amis d’aventures qui vous stoppent brutalement.

L’expérience fait sans doute qu’on accepte leur critique et qu’on repart allègrement... profitant tout de même des acquis.

Superposer les Maisons-Jardins

Créer des Facades Echafaudages évolutives avec le temps

Raconter de nouvelles histoires pour une Ville heureuse

Dessiner une architecture épaisse et flexible

Développer une mécanique de la compétence

Appeler à l'aide des partenaires industriels

Proposer et mettre en œuvre de nouveaux produits industriels

Raconter de nouvelles aventures dans l'espace public

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Daughter of a bicycles maker, I have been a cyclist in Bordeaux for many years and by all weathers, doing and carrying mostly everything. I also appreciate wine, bought at the wine shop to get good advice. But both do not always go well together. Even wrapped in a plastic carrier bag, the wine bottle often knocks onto the bike frame, and even worth in a paper bag where everything would crash onto the pavement! After getting by for a few years, in 2012 I asked my designer friend Vincent Poujardieu to think about a system to hook wine bottles onto bicycles. A year later, time for the idea to turn into a project, the concept developped by Vincent was more than I expected. Cork, leather, strap…and the Biwine was born.

Designed with love by egue